This is a landing page.

A website about CSE13S @ UCSC.1 The 13S.

A class where you learn the C programming language, UNIX, tools like make, and put your life on pause for 10 weeks.

Most of the pages on this site were written during Fall 2023. If you find any errors or would like to contribute2, feel free to submit a pull request.

  1. The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
    • Nearly always required in a C class!
    • “reading in a CS class?1!!” Fine, but I highly recommend reading chapter 5 about pointers and chapter 8 about using C with UNIX.
    • The 2nd edition is written for the ANSI standard which is most commonly taught. While the 1st edition isn’t substantially different, do try to get the 2nd.
  2. Learn C, short and interactive
  3. Jess’s site, featuring many more guides and walkthroughs!

Please note I am also a student, and more importantly, a human. Do not flood my messages expecting me to debug your code, you will be ignored. After many instances of spending 3+ hours per day answering messages, I must set boundaries.

Conceptual discussions with your peers and Google, is far more beneficial for yourself and others.

  1. Jess’s site is evidently the inspiration for this one, thank you :) 

  2. Contributions would be highly appreciated for the Troubleshooting pages.